Difference Between Editing and Proofreading and its fundamentals

  Getting confused between editing and proofreading, or mistaking them as similar to one another, often happens to people. However, you must learn how to differentiate editing from proofreading in order to get the best results for improving written texts. This is also important if you want to specify which one of these two processes may require professional help for a fee. Know the difference between editing and proofreading. Along the way, also get some reminders on doing each process skillfully. What is Editing? After completing the first draft of a thesis, an informative article, or even a book, you should conduct editing first. Contrary to what you might think, editing does not just concern mistakes in grammar and spelling. 

In fact, this method also deals with the written work's structure, organization, flow, and other matters that involve substance.promote your ebooks Tradesman Insurance education benefits book publishing How to Edit Effectively? Before anything else, proceed with editing a text-only after relaxing your mind. Chill out for even as long as a few days before starting to edit your written work. In this manner, the text becomes rather unfamiliar so you can easily identify parts that need improvement. The organization is crucial for making a literary output more understandable to readers. Use subheadings, and see whether each subheading describes the content under it accurately. Take a look if each paragraph focuses solely on one topic, thus dividing the document into chunks of information that are easy to retain. 

 If a manuscript involves an argument, assess whether the data and logical presentation are effective at strengthening the argument. Indicate the points that require additional backing or are unclear to readers. Once you are done with the text's broader aspect, proceed to more specific details. Watch out for dangling modifiers. These are parts of sentences that describe a subject or object incorrectly or do not refer to anything at all. As another tip, remember to be neutral in aspects of gender. Moreover, replace adjectives and adverbs with those more appropriate to be used in a particular sentence. Furthermore, double-check your citations for accuracy, and you may consider replacing them with more detailed or credible ones. Be consistent with your format of choice for citations. After editing, you can now move on to proofreading. 

 What is Proofreading? Proofreading involves specialization in dealing with grammar and spelling errors. This process also focuses on punctuation marks and spaces, making your thesis or any other type of written output more presentable to readers. Regarding duration, proofreading takes a shorter time as compared to editing. To make matters clearer, proofreading only takes place when broader approaches on editing are already over. How to Proofread Effectively? Rather than check on spelling, grammar, and punctuation at the same time, choose one of them for your first assessment and leave off the other two for later. Simply do them one by one so you can pinpoint mistakes or anomalies precisely. You may utilize the following techniques for proofreading. Underline or circle punctuation marks so you can easily spot if they are used incorrectly.

 Divide the whole text into sentences and find out if they can stand on their own. In addition to that, read the written piece aloud as you have a better chance of identifying awkwardness if you hear them.writing own book business strategies e-commerce amazon life purpose Editing and proofreading improve the quality of written work so you can earn high grades, attract more readers, or simply improve your reputation as a writer. Acquiring mastery over these two processes takes time and, more importantly, perseverance. Write a book? Who? Me? I'm not smart enough. I didn't do well in English class, so why would I even think about writing a book? Who would read it anyway? When I began writing, these and many more questions bubbled up in my mind when the thought of writing crept into my mind. I am a speaker, not a writer. I began public speaking at age three. Put me in front of five people or five thousand to speak and I am in heaven. 

Put a tablet in front of me to begin writing a book and I freeze, my mind goes blank. Well, that is how I felt eight books ago. Yes, I can hardly believe it. I have now self-published eight non-fiction, self-help books. This may sound overwhelming to many of you, so let me tell you how I began writing my first book. A friend who knew I had wrestled with the thought of writing, made a statement that shook me to my very core. She said, "Peggy, have ever thought that writing a book is not about you, but about the reader? Someone needs what is on the inside of you." How profound. There I was concerned about my reputation, my intellect, or lack thereof and when I thought about her statement, it set my writing course into action. Yes, whether it is fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or prose, someone needs to read what is on the inside of you. So, where do you begin? 1.

 Determine what you are going to write about. What is it that bubbles up in your spirit when you think about writing a book? At this point, do not worry about the title or how to market the book, just begin writing.real estate guide safe appreciation market your ebook emotional gaint 2. Determine what instrument or instruments you will use to write. The options are plentiful. Back in the early 90 when I first began writing, I would purchase five or six yellow tablets, go to a swanky five-star hotel (how could I stay in anything less) for a weekend and write, write, write. I was racking up expenses before I even made a profit from selling books. Today, there are a diversity of instruments available to a writer such as, a miniature tape recorder, or a voice recorder app downloaded on your iPhone or smartphone as well as a speech-to-text application. It is imperative that you keep a recorder or small notebook with you at all times, even on your nightstand. 

Book content will come to you at all hours of the day and night. Often, when these jewels of wisdom come and we do not have a way to capture the thoughts, we shrug our shoulders and convince ourselves that we will remember what we thought upon waking up. Only to awaken and not be able to remember the majority of what flashed through our minds while we were asleep. Streams of consciousness will come when you least expect them. If you are prepared to jot them down, it will make things easier for you when you sit down to write your book. 3. You may choose to pay someone to edit your work or you may choose to utilize an online editing application. Discover the online applications that will help you in your writing with grammar, punctuation, and wording. Grammarly is one online editing application. Grammarly is a wonderful gift to new writers. Here is how it works. After you have written your manuscript, you then highlight and copy sections at a time, pasting the copy into a Grammarly text body. You select the style of writing, (I.e. business, academic, etc.) and it will review your text, giving you a report that shows how many errors were made within the text.

 It will give you a percentage of errors made. You can make changes if you wish, until your complete manuscript is edited. A word of caution - do not become overwhelmed during your first couple of re-writes. It is all necessary for you to publish a well-written manuscript. 4. How long should it take you to write a book? Every author is different. My rule of thumb is that when I begin writing, I do not skip more than two days before I write again. Writing is a discipline, one that will take time to master. Of course, the longer you take to write, the longer you procrastinate, the more time it will take for you to complete your manuscript, get it published and distributed. Remember, this book is not about you. Someone needs what you have on the inside of you. save money travel tips sunglasses for women secure loans 5. Enjoy the journey. 

You will learn so much about yourself as you write. More importantly, your book will be a blessing to many. Although writing and posting a blog entry can be stimulating, this activity can sometimes feel dull due to lack of inspiration. At times, you might find difficulty in coming up with a title or even a topic. Even worse, you might simply want to stop and stay away from writing. This circumstance does happen when you engage in writing, especially if you do it regularly. Known also as writer's block, this phenomenon can make you lose interest in continuing a written piece, such as a blog. Writer's block can occur due to distraction, other priorities, or too much difficulty in writing. Have a new entry for your blog by getting some inspiration. Be inspired to write blogs again through the following ways: Explore a Particular Topic You might be maintaining a blog that limits discussion to a certain field or topic. This can become rather uninteresting, especially if you have just started writing blog posts. Try to do additional research about that particular subject. 

This move does not only increase your familiarity and credibility with the topic but also arouses your interest to write more blog posts. You can do this more effectively by watching Internet videos or documentaries regarding the topic of your blog. Moreover, you may relate your blog to popular culture through films, video games, and other media. Go Out for a Walk financial planning wrestling shoes cargo insurance Annuity Rates On the other hand, you might be writing blog posts about a wide range of topics. You simply lost inspiration because you could not think of a new topic to write about. Stretching your leg muscles and heading out for a one-hour walk can be helpful. Instead of looking for inspiration, let that inspiration simply come to you. Take a walk and observe other people and your surroundings. You might come across a discovery or have a memorable experience that can inspire you. Perhaps, snacking in a newly-opened food establishment, getting caught in a sudden shower, or witnessing a marriage proposal in public can serve as the basis of your next blog post.

 Be Aware of Societal Issues More than just observing your surroundings, you may try to look into societal dilemmas faced by the people in your village, town, or the whole country. Expand your knowledge about the issues in your society by watching the news, reading newspapers, and attending community symposiums and activities. Another effective way is to engage in conversations with individuals of various professions and cultural backgrounds. You may find helpful reference materials in libraries and other academic settings as well. Usually, these societal issues also affect your behavior, everyday decisions, and perspective towards other people directly. You may feel inspired to create blog posts that increase public awareness about these issues and contain possible solutions to resolve them. Aside from turning you into a more conscious and responsible citizen, societal dilemmas also help you become more active in maintaining a blog. While at times you need to search for inspiration, in some instances, you may simply wait for it to come. marketing promotion tourist destination blogging benefits essay editing Upon realizing that you are inspired, start typing for your next post while the ideas and motivation remain fresh. When It Comes to Professional Writing - Does Proofreading Matter? Perfection is the essence of success. Life demands for very attentive individuals, those who can point out even the slightest of mistakes. 

Remember, nobody has ever been rewarded for taking anything for granted, not even the least essential things. This includes even the written pieces of work. For those who want their writings to be a stroke of genius or something near to it, the importance of a professional proofreader is something that should never be underestimated. When it comes to creating a piece of quality work, proofreading is very essential. Inconsistencies, typos and grammar errors happen to every writer. An online spell checker will not pay attention to detail as a professional proofreader will. Before submitting any document for publication, one should ensure that it is up to par... pass its message in the clearest and perfect possible way. It should be well-crafted in terms of organization of thoughts, spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, and most importantly, grammar. Nevertheless, as much as everyone yearns for a perfect job done in every situation, sometimes inevitable circumstances make this a pipe dream. Think of a hectic day where every situation demands a lot from an individual, but never seem to get enough of it. Somebody will automatically feel strained to the limit. 

The most obvious and the most natural response will be doing things hurriedly in a desperate attempt to beat the deadline. Common sense should be good enough to explain that things done in a hurry are never that appealing and beneficial. Even vehicles driven in a hurry put the passengers at the brink of an accident and perhaps death. A document that has received the scrutiny of a proofreader shows how mature a writer is, with his ability to place the right words at the right places. This means that the intended message can be relayed without much stress and the reader has so much easy time getting the point. The ease at which a writer communicates to the intended audience is also indicative of his or her vast knowledge about the topic. Accuracy is also guaranteed with a proofread piece of work. Every word and every letter is in its rightful place. This means a better understanding of the written word, which is the ultimate goal of any author. This implies that if there was a need to persuade the audience to accept a certain product or course of action, the quest is likely to pull off since understanding is the root of any successful dialogue. There is also need for objectivity in every piece of writing. Let's face it, part of speech insurance benefits legal advice create miracles online insurance no person would enjoy reading a text that seems not to be having any substantive goal. 

A writer, after doing his or her research on the subject matter, becomes so much overpowered by fatigue and will, therefore, lack the ability to think straight. He or she will need somebody who is a soberer to do the fine details of the work. And he or she cannot afford to underestimate the usefulness of a proofreader. Reverse Writer's Block - For Your Book You have a clear idea of the beginning and end of the story that you are writing. Much of the storyline of the large middle part of the story is also somewhat clear. You may have developed a chart, or a spreadsheet, to help you keep track of the various scenes and characters of the story. Yet, when it comes time to write, you find that your creativity has abandoned you and the inspiration to write has gone with it. To suggest 'start writing' may frustrate you when you already face writer's block. 

Sometimes, a creative exercise can help. Here's a twist; instead of doing an abstract exercise with material unrelated to your book, let's work directly with your book. However, instead of trying to force your way through the blocks, turn your story upside down, and see what happens. That's right do a complete one hundred eighty-degree turn on your plot. Look at each new development, subplot, scene, and even character in your story and imagine if exactly the opposite happened. Then write it down. This is not an exercise in developing perfect grammatically correct prose. Instead, it is about having fun with your story and jotting down the opposite events and actions. Sentences can be simple three or four-word phrases, or even a single word if it captures sufficient meaning to you.

 If you have the room to do it, write the opposite plotlines and new ideas on large flipchart pages, and tape them onto the walls around you. Don't stop at simply writing down opposite events and actions. Many of those opposite events can lead you in new directions if you were developing this opposite story. Think about the implications of each of the opposite actions or events. Write down any new ideas for subplots or even for new characters that you had not previously considered. Don't stop until you have worked through your entire story, you never know where the next great idea will surface. 

When you have completed the exercise, constant cash flow cream makers exhibitor insurance writing ideas read through everything you wrote and then put it away a few hours, or overnight. Come back the next day and reexamine your original story, taking into consideration some of the opposite ideas you generated the day before. You may find that some of these ideas conveniently plug gaps that you were struggling to fill, or add new dimensions to an otherwise flat storyline. The interesting thing about this opposite, or one-eighty degree, thinking is that is lends itself naturally to being converted back to the original mode of the story. 

That is, something interesting that occurred in the opposite view may apply directly to your story, if you simply think of its opposite, in the context of your actual story. Bottom line; write it down. If you can't think of what to write, then write the opposite down. Either way, reading your own words on the page will help to inspire you to add more to complete the work, one idea at a time. Patrick is a coach, speaker, and trainer to individuals and business leaders. He helps leaders to achieve success by clarifying their vision, strategic plans, leadership, change management, brand and marketing strategy. He helps individuals to remove self-limiting beliefs and fears Resume Writing Tips for Healthcare Professionals Whenever resumes are discussed amongst professionals and freshers, the most common areas selected include management, engineering, and IT. 

However, no one really focuses on the finer nuances of the career resource used for healthcare professionals, especially doctors. Those who are not aware of the finer nuances of career resources usually use a resume format. 

However, in the academic world and the global healthcare industry, curriculum vitae is preferred. This is an industry where the academic qualifications and competencies of a person are given preference. An ideal CV for healthcare professionals includes the following key points. Start off By Mentioning Contact Details This is the section that holds importance because it contains the name of the job seeker along with the qualification (such as MD, MBBS, etc), address, phone number, email address, and professional profile link. For all applications made to organizations that require a passport, it would be a good approach to mention the passport number and license numbers. sell on Facebook immigration consultant comfort zones apartment building There is no point in going into excessive details as this is only a brief snapshot. Place Your Career Statement Gone are the days when professional summaries and career objectives used to be an accepted trend. The preference has been shifted to the use of minimalistic statements which give a highly concise yet direct indication of one's capabilities and the specific skills that make him the best candidate for the position. Key elements include the targeted work profile, experience, key skills, and the way in which one could contribute to the organization. State Your Certifications and License Stating your national license and professional certifications would prove to be an advantage in this section. 

This section should include details as the place of examination, year of passing, percentage, certification details and any other information that may be deemed important. For making the information even more effective, you should also include the specific learnings that have been obtained from each certification. Mention Your Experience and Qualifications This is the section where you need to mention your professional experience. A good approach would be to use a descending order starting from the current work profile to the oldest. Make it a point to mention your specific learnings from each work profile along with the basic responsibilities that were given to you during that tenure. 

Consider the following situations for ordering the information in this section. If you are an intern or a resident doctor, then this section should contain the educational qualifications first followed by the experience. It would be good to make a mention of the places where you have interned along with any specific areas in which you are proficient. offshore banking healthy food lead generation promote your ebooks If you have more than 3 - 5 years of experience, then the professional experience segment should be placed first.
